WAZOBIA link/Lyrics

The following artistic expression on the album art depicts that UNITY BRINGS LIGHT. A t a time of political and socio economic turmoil in Nigeria, we are in need of light... The word WAZOBIA is coined from three native words of # Yoruba # Hausa and # Igbo which are the three major populated tribes in Nigeria Wa in Yoruba means come Zo in Hausa means come and Bia in Igbo means come The term ' wazobia ' is often used to refer to the cultural and linguistic diversity of Nigeria which is sometimes used as a synonym for unity and represents the togetherness of all ethnicity whence Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups. The song WAZOBIA written and sang by the TINGAAMI crooner Geffie Vibes is aimed at strengthening national unit of 9ija 🇳🇬 people both at home and in diaspora. Especially in times when the country is faced with so many challenges and it's people demoralized with the way things are going wrong everyday. WAZOBIA= Come toget...