The Quest For Something New...

I love my country Nigeria, a country so imperial and essential, with feasible human and natural blessings like the population of bacteria. The Giants of Africa having over 400 ethnic groups, speaks over 450 languages, endowed with very rich histories and background sourced from it's multicultural communities, bond together with Her unique colour that represents Natural wealth, peace and unity. Current projections of the United Nations data ranked Nigeria as the 7th most populated country in the world thereby placing it on a high hill of accomplishing innovative standards amongst other Nations. Yet there is an increase in inflation and unemployment. The Naira keeps falling like a kneed aged creature while all our industrial sectors are going comatose. I'll use, missallocation and misappropriation of Her resources causes poverty and inequality. Time has come for Nigerians to get up and change the narrative because bad manner has become a measure of success in our system....